Nietzsche’s Thoughts On ART: “The Gay Science” Sanctus Januaris; Book Four, Chp. “What One Should Learn From Artists”


Remember this is a book from man who lived in the Civil War Era, (b. 1844 – d. 1900).  The word, “Gay” meant something quite different from your possible initial response.  Also, in that context, you must remember Friedrich Nietzsche, also thrived in an evironment when HMO, PCP, and Health Care were not what they are today.  He suffered many maladies, which many of us will or never face.  He endured through his suffering to be, what I consider to be an “Objective Artist”  or a creator of “something” inherent in an idea which will far out live his generation, and which serves as a focal point, a fulcrum, a prolific enduring thought and idea which can be interpreted for eras perhaps eons to come.  This “something” this idea, or manifestation of contemplative thinking will survive and serve many purposes for generations speaking of itself, as a complete thought, a thought which reminds us of our hoary past, our infinite future and thoughts as manifestations which united the best in humanity are much truer forms of “Objective ART”.  I will stop here, editorial comment from me/writer of primordialpassages.  Jim Morison really found much in Nietzsche’s writings your might say, “I dig it”  greg  Continuing on – – – on with the quote from the above title.

Begin Quote:

“In brief, the development of language and the development of consciousness (not of reason but merely of the way reason enters consciousnes)  go hand in hand.  Add to this that not only language serves as a bridge between human beings but also a mien, a pressure, a gesture.  The emergence of our sense impressions into our own consciousness, the abilty to fix them and, as it were, exhibit them externally, increased proportionately with the need to communicate them to others by means of signs.  The human being inventing signs is at the same time the human being who becomes ever more keenly conscious of himself.  It was only as a social animal that man acquired self-consciousnes—which he is still in the process of doing, more and more.”   End quote, from the Walter Kaufmann, translation, with commentary by Walter Kaufmann, Vintage Books, c1974.

My additional comment is, with out friction there is no movement.  The Robert Henri, comment earlier in the week.  Paraphrase;  Art is nothing without contemplation, Art needs contemplation to discover your own interpetation and development of an individual personal “you” understanding of how to respond to Art.  When you contemplate it in many of your daily decisions, you are already building a self-individual experience of your understanding of the world around which in of itself is a personal art.  It is your art, your understanding of life is art, it as unique as your are is a manifestation of art.  A “critque” of self or art requires just that and evaluation of a personal impression/experience of art/life/experience.  Especialy if you are genuine your spirit of life lives forever when re-remembered by a friend, a loved one, or a stranger.  It then has potentiality to be an everlasting form of “objective art”.  Think of how many thoughts your parents or teacher in school gave you, do you not use and repeat those that have the everlasting wisdom or practiacality of what was communicated to you. (see Gilles Delueze, “Pure Immanence”  subtitled, “Essays on A Life”,  someday, I believe Gilles Delueze will be remembered as Nietzsche is, both speak of the beauty and fecundity and profundity of life/art.

It has been brought to my attention I need a proof reader, so my post will remain, somewhat eratic as I need a spell checker.  I do I alerted you to this miscue of me.  Things are just so hectic to mouse around to find correct spelling does not always occur.  Pardon me, if I have flustered you…Stand-by improvements on the way.   A friendly, Hello, Goodbye and Aloha with a smile and a friendly handshake….greg

P.S. posted painting watercolor on watercolor paper,  possibly D’Arches, about 24 x 36 inches.